Your support helps us continue to provide the ideal experience of Islam in America—rooted in tradition, culturally relevant, and integral to individual and collective growth.
Ta'leef is committed to helping the people on the periphery of our tradition: the person entering Islam, the person who is at risk of leaving the faith, and the youth. With your help, we can sustain this important work for the whole year, by having 1000 Hearts sign up to give $3/day.
Become a Ta'leef Companion by starting a monthly recurring gift, and sustain Ta'leef for generations to come! Our General Fund is used to maintain our core programs and services for Youth, Converts/Seekers, and the broader diverse community. Funds allow us to provide a welcoming environment, attract great speakers, and host community gatherings and events in Chicago, the Bay Area, and beyond through Ta'leef Academy program.
Your Zakat gift directly benefits members of the Ta'leef community.
Direct Assistance — Your Zakat Gift directly assists individuals and families in need in the San Francisco Bay Area and Chicago Metropolitan Area.
Convert Care — Your Zakat Gift directly assists converts and newcomers in their sustainable conversion and holistic practice of Islam with these programs: Ta'leef Newcomers Retreat, monthly gatherings, classes, and books, one-on-one mentoring with a Ta'leef staff member (covering Fard al Ayn instruction, Seerah / the Prophet’s life, and assistance navigating the path.)
Inheritors — Your Zakat Gift enables teens to participate in transformative Ta'leef Inheritors Retreat, a week-long residential program where teens strengthen their religious/spiritual literacy and emotional intelligence.
Ta’leef Re-entry — Your Zakat Gift welcomes formerly incarcerated men and women to a monthly Support Circle & dinner, annual gatherings/retreat and access to Ta'leef events, classes and sessions, and the welcoming Ta'leef Community.
Wellness — Your Zakat Gift provides access to Mental Health and spiritual wellness for youth, families, couples, and individuals through Ta'leef counseling sessions, support circles, and workshops.